New site delivers improved quality of service for retail customers

It is now three months since our warehouse for Hungarian retail customers, previously located in Törökbálint, moved to the new MOL Logistics site situated in Csepel (Budapest).

We are very pleased to have successfully managed the relocation of our warehouse for Hungarian retail customers. Not only is MOL satisfied with the change, but our customers have also provided us with positive feedback. Benefits of the new site include:

  • The polymer granulates are in a separate warehouse, thus providing a secure environment for our customers and our high-quality products.
  • Due to the common network-endpoint for the invoicing and collection of goods, the time it takes to issue products has been shortened, making the collection of goods much more efficient.
  • Free parking places, right in front of the warehouse, makes parking much more convenient and the supply of goods safer.

We are proud of the new site’s higher level of service and we thank our customers for their patience during the move and the vote of confidence they have given to the new warehouse.

We look forward to seeing you in the future in Csepel, XXI. district, Petroleum u. 5-7!